Living with a girl

I think I’ll borrow from Brandy’s blog and start another category here at SSL – “Living with a Girl.” Laurie likes the idea too and may start her own, “Living with a Boy.” After all – as you can see over on the right hand side of my blog – you can never have enough categories.
To start off with, here’s a list of a few observations I’ve noticed over the last 8 days since I started Living with a Girl.

  1. Girls smell good. – Seriously. Girls smell much gooder than boys. And they’re not fans of bad smelling boys or sulfur water or anything thing else that smells “funky”. I think that’s why they like candles and good smelling stuff so much – to over power the bad smell of boys. They’re also not fan of bad smelling trucks.
  2. Girls like things clean. – Well maybe not all girls, but mine sure does and it makes me want to be a better guy and keep things clean too. And I’ll be sure to admit that all the “junk” on the coffee table is mine right now. Including the shaving cream and razor that I brought downstairs to shave with this morning to be sure and not wake said girl at 6 a.m.
  3. Girls are soft. – It doesn’t get much better than the touch of your girl or a brush of her cheek against yours. And I believe that because they’re so soft, they love stuff just as soft. That’s why a fine super soft resort robe will win her attention any day over yours.

Well that’s it for now. Some of these may be new to you – others not so new. Some of them are just reminders of growing up with two sisters. But hopefully we’ll have some fun and learn some new insight into “Living with a Girl” along the way.
Oh and speaking of categories – which are your favorites? Which could you care less about? I can tell from some of my stats which ones you read the most – but I’d love to hear from you which categories you like the most.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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