I am a minister

Johnny Laird shared this video from Kroc Church – a Salvation Army community in San Diego

I shared this over on Simplechurchipedia.com and thought it was worthy of a share here as well.

What comes to mind when you watch it?

I don’t like the statement, “I am not a pastor – but I am a minister” as someone puts it in the video… I know what they’re referring to – but personally I prefer to see them one in the same.

And prefer to believe that we’re all pastors and ministers to our spheres of influence.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all believers saw themselves as “Priests in the hood” who were actually living this out — being the Body of Christ to their sphere of influence?

What do you think?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

3 thoughts on “I am a minister”

  1. Hmm,

    Words and meanings are wonderfully nuanced.

    I get where you are coming from, and wonder what the folks mean by “minister”.

    It’s a word we don’t use much in current vocabulary (outside of the church), other than to administer. It feels like process. Like mechanisms.

    But to *minister* to people is about service, isn’t it.

    If the folks in the video said “servant” rather than “minister”, would that have made the outcome different.

    I like that the video challenges what we understand by words. Like “pastor”. To me, a Pastor isn’t a Minister. Or a leader.

    Is the adjective “pastor” about the area of life that a person shines the most light in – perhaps caring for people, as one example.

    Man, there’s so much in this that would take days to explore…

    1. Yeah… I imagine minister or Minister can have a number of different meanings as well.

      Both ideas can come loaded with baggage.

      I imagine they were suggesting in the video that they were not Pastors, but are ministers. 🙂

      The capitalization signifying a paid, professional title, verses an adjective used to describe what all believers should be doing.

      I would prefer to hear, “I’m a pastor and a minister.” But how do you portray that in a video? 😉

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