Get your browsers going

This is going to be fun! Unfair Park reports on the irony that the DMN wanted to cut their staff to spend more money on digital offerings, yet most of the people who left are now online thanks to blogs.

Anyone starting to notice the irony yet? Smells a little like…uh…bacon. By which I mean, for months Belo management has been insisting its buyouts at The Dallas Morning News were all about “empower[ing] reporters and photographers to employ methods in new media and digital journalism to communicate stories,” as editor Bob Mong put it in a press release last month. That’s why the paper lopped off 111 of its own limbs last week–to get ready for the future that was passing it by, to save money it was gonna spend out in the digital ether when the time came. So it allowed to walk out the door pretty much all of the newspaper’s arts staff; guess they weren’t ready for the brave new tomorrow, right?
Well, turns out pretty much everyone who left the fourth floor has already resurfaced–yup, on the good ol’ Interweb, which, last I heard, was gonna belong entirely to Robert Decherd.

Best quote from Robert “Fingers of Fury” Wilonsky’s post:

It’s a promo for Uncle Barky, which, I guarantee you, will be the most-visited-and-viewed local blog by the end of October. Or this afternoon.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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