As of this afternoon

a. I-35 North was shut down for the second time in four months today
b. I feel really bad for Laurie having to wait through that traffic
c. Doesn’t help my case for staying in Waxahachie
d. I went to do GPS mapping today and the truck battery was dead
e. It wouldn’t charge
f. I don’t think it likes me
g. I’m thinking about applying here
h. Laurie starts her new semester of school tonight – Micro Biology – yuck
i. My mom started her (scheduled) last year of teaching today
j. My friend Dollye wants to teach math – even though I would have pictured her as an English teacher
k. Less than 40 minutes before the work day is complete

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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