A song that reminds you of someone – The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 05 – a song that reminds you of someone

All These Things – Stephen Speaks
Continue reading A song that reminds you of someone – The 30 Day Song Challenge

A song that makes you sad – The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 04 – a song that makes you sad

Dancing With The Angels – Monk and Neagle
Continue reading A song that makes you sad – The 30 Day Song Challenge

A song that makes you happy – The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 03 – a song that makes you happy

Oh, Happiness by David Crowder Band

Continue reading A song that makes you happy – The 30 Day Song Challenge

Your least favorite song – The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 02 – your least favorite song

Throne of Grace (by Vineyard, By the Tree and others)

I love the message of the song – “It’s God’s kindness that leads to repentance…” but we used to play this song way too often as part of various praise and worship sets and to me the song just drags on and on and on (especially considering the message). So it’s one of those songs that just bug me every time I hear it.

Your favorite song – The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

For something a “little lighter” this month I thought I’d do the 30 Day Song Challenge here on my blog.

It’s a pretty simple meme… just answer the questions about various songs in your life… one question a day.

The hardest part of this might be narrowing each day down to just one song.
Continue reading Your favorite song – The 30 Day Song Challenge