What I really wanted

angus mathie

I asked members of the Insurgency of Love to share their own personal stories of how they’ve seen Love Win in their own lives. I’m thrilled to share the first response, which comes from Angus Matthie who lives in Motherwell, Scotland.

I found shyness a dreadful impediment as I was growing up and still find it a problem in social interaction. The most relevant part in what I am considering today is that I got to the stage of finding it difficult to accept that people would want to be friends with me, far less have a meaningful relationship. I realize that I had built a picture of what I wanted, which was in large part an answer to all the perceived wrongs and hurts.
Continue reading What I really wanted

A song that makes you fall asleep – The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 10 – a song that makes you fall asleep

Sorry this is late… I fell asleep thinking about it… 😉
Continue reading A song that makes you fall asleep – The 30 Day Song Challenge

A song that you can dance to – The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 09 – a song that you can dance to

Oh man… this might get me in trouble…
Continue reading A song that you can dance to – The 30 Day Song Challenge

A song that you know all the words to – The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 08 – a song that you know all the words to

Continue reading A song that you know all the words to – The 30 Day Song Challenge

A song that reminds you of a certain event – The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 07 – a song that reminds you of a certain event

I’m laughing right now as I think of it…
Continue reading A song that reminds you of a certain event – The 30 Day Song Challenge

A song that reminds you of somewhere – The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 06 – a song that reminds you of somewhere

The Letter by The Box Tops
Continue reading A song that reminds you of somewhere – The 30 Day Song Challenge