Catch up… The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

Time for a little weekend catch up…

day 15 – a song that describes you
day 16 – a song that you used to love but now hate
day 17 – a song that you hear often on the radio
Continue reading Catch up… The 30 Day Song Challenge

To iPad or not, that is the question

iPad 2 with Facetime
iPad 2 with Facetime | Photo via Apple PR

So I’ve never been an Apple fan-boy like my friend Thomas. But I do use an iPhone 3G on an almost hourly basis these days.

And recently I’ve started considering purchasing an iPad2 as well… but I’m not sold on the idea as of yet.

You see my biggest complaint with the iPad is that its seems to be solely about media consumption — which is how it was seemingly pitched in the beginning.

But now as more and more apps flood the market, the tide seems to be changing. There are more and more options out there for creating as well as consuming content. And with that in mind, my mind is shifting as well.

Now I can see the iPad 2 doing many of the things I might use it for.
Continue reading To iPad or not, that is the question

A song that no one would expect you to love – The 30 Day Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 14 – a song that no one would expect you to love
Continue reading A song that no one would expect you to love – The 30 Day Challenge

A song from a band you hate – The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 12 – a song from a band you hate

Do people really hate bands? OK – I take that back… I have some pretty opinionated friends ;-).
Continue reading A song from a band you hate – The 30 Day Song Challenge

A song from your favorite band – The 30 Day Song Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 11 – a song from your favorite band

Any song? From my favorite band?

Well narrowing the band down won’t be hard – it’ll be picking any song…

Continue reading A song from your favorite band – The 30 Day Song Challenge