Sno Cones

Or should I say Shaven Ice. That’s how the sign reads anyway. When I was growing up one of my best friends, Kristen, lived in Ennis and we would go to the sno cone stand all the time! I always got a white coconut sno cone….DELICIOUS. 15 years or so later, I moved to Waxahachie and guess what? There’s sno cone stand, Yeah! Well, a “shaven ice” stand, my how times have changed…or atleast become politically correct–as if a sno cone needs to be politically correct. Well anyway, I found out about this wonderful sno cone stand and I’ve been to it like 4 times in the last 2 weeks. And I not only can I get a white coconut sno cone, they have cream to add to it! Another walk down memory lane…so do I like the sno cone stand because it reminds me of the good ‘ole days or because they are just so irresistibly yummy?

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