
Many people I talk to say that I am a closed book, or atleast
not an open book. I will agree with this, but mainly because I’m not just
going to spill my life to someone. If anyone wants to know anything
about me they can ask, I don’t mind answering anything at all! All this
to say it’s just not me to open up to people a lot. Recently I’ve had a
lot of people tell me that they know me but they don’t KNOW me. Well, I
don’t know how to help you but this might be a good start:

I’m a city girl and love living in the big city, but I’m a country girl at heart! (I’m a big Texan) I love country music but secretely like some
Rap music (sshhh, it’s our secret), I love Ice Cream and brownies, I
like the smell of rain but love the smell of snow. I like the smell of
exhaust from cars in the winter because it reminds me of the cold and
snow. One of my favorite songs is The Way You Look Tonight. I believe in forgiveness. I would live in the mountains with snow if I could, but at the same time I would live in NYC. I like to walk anywhere I go but people
look at you funny so I end up driving. I love animals and will always
miss my beloved Rat Terrier Annie, but I love my new doggy Presley too.
I like Elvis Presley, don’t ask why because I can’t tell you. I love Dr.
Pepper but can’t drink it, potato casserole is my favorite food, I like
cherry cordials and maraschino cherries. My favorite color is
orange (burnt not neon), I’m a hopeless romantic at heart, I wish I had
a voice to sing or the talent to play the piano, I love to sing in my
car (you’ll never hear me sing out loud)… I bust out in song like the
best of them. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. I love the feel of sand on my bare feet. My niece and nephew are my two most favorite kids in the
whole world. I want to adopt a kid from Russia, I want four kids (i
might change my mind after the 1st one). My fingernails are always blue–don’t let that freak you out. I am engaged. I’m marrying a 6 foot 5 inch guy, yes that’s 13 inches taller than me! I love to be the photographer. I
like chick flicks but also action movies, I don’t like scary movies, I
think they are stupid. I like to watch Disney channel, there’s just
something about nice clean family shows. But I also LOVE Grey’s Anatomy and ER. Friends is my most favorite show ever. I like to go shopping
but don’t over spend (most of the time), I like root beer floats, I hate
working out. I like riding my bike and roller blading. I love to
snowboard, even after breaking my tailbone doing so. I don’t know how
to snow ski, I can’t get up on the wake board when I go out on the lake.
I love to drive but hate paying for gas. I like to go to the dog park
and watch all the dogs. I love to people watch and listen to their
conversations. I will just sit there and add my own monologue to
peoples hand gestures when I can’t hear what they are saying. I will do
the same thing to dogs in a backyard or at the dog park (I’ve told you
I’m crazy). I love Christ and live for Him everyday. My favorite trip
I’ve ever gone on is a missions trip to Mexico the summer before my
senior year of high school (long live the 3 amigas!) I will forever
remember my high school group at church. I don’t like it when people
look at me or blow in my face or basically in my general direction. But
I have to have a fan blowing on my face at night–go figure. I love to
have my back scratched. I love the sound of rain on the window. I’m scared to
death of fires and tornadoes–so scared I should probably seek counseling. I don’t like thunderstorms. I hate to
stay by myself at night. I’m not afraid of death, but I am afraid of
leaving people I love behind. My family is the best (Medlins included)
and my new soon to be family is also the best (Lehmanns included) 😉
I’m a grouch if I don’t get my sleep..a girl needs her beauty sleep. I
don’t like to bother people, if I feel bad I probably won’t say
anything–why should my problems be put on someone else. If I pass out
I’ll just get back up and get back to what I was doing…even if I’m at
work. I’m scared to death that I’m gonna pass out at my wedding-haha.
When I’m mad I like to be by myself—it’s not that often though. I
hate conflict or arguments. I’m a people pleaser and that gets you into
trouble sometimes. I have to have a night of doing nothing at all once
a week. I don’t like to be too busy you don’t have enough time for
loved ones. I love science and physics. I hate math. I work to live,
not live to work. I HATE mushrooms and am allergic to seafood. I don’t
like tomatoes but like tomato paste, I don’t like peaches but I like
peach flavor. it irritates me when people smack, if I ever do please
smack me! I have 3 brothers and 1 sister (technically 2 brothers). I miss my grandparents and wished I got to
know them better. I’m a goofball when you really get to know me. I wish
I didn’t have to take medication everyday. I like giving hugs but
probably won’t initiate one. I’m a woman of few words–if you could
only see inside my brain soo many thoughts. I laugh at myself- A LOT. I love to re-finish furniture. If I could, i would quit my job and volunteer for Habitat
For Humanity helping with the houses. I want to open a doggy daycare
someday (doubt it will ever happen). I’m not a morning person but once
I take my shower I’m usually okay. I like to dance to music but you will
never see that. I love to observe things and watch peoples behaviors.

pheww…did you get all that. There’s more where that came from but I think this is all you can handle now. I told you it was a rambling!!

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