
I think I have, or will have, the record for moving the most in one
year. Let’s see, From this time last year, I moved from my apartment
with Jen to a house with two other friends, from that house to a new
house my friend bought. Then this weekend I just moved in with my
brother in Forney for a coule of months before the wedding. Then in 3
months I will be moving to Waxahachie then 3 months later when the lease
is up on Jonathan’s loft we will be moving again! That will make 5 moves
in 1 year, wow. The good part about that is that with each move I get
rid of more and more stuff. I will say that it comes to a point where
you are tired of living with half of your stuff in storage or at least
not with you. My brother has been gracisously storing a lot of my
things at his house and now I finally get to live where all of my
belongings are…but they are still all in boxes and will remain that
way until May. Ok, I feel like I’m talking in circles so the point to
this is that I am sick of moving and I’m ready to just buy a house and
stay there for a REALLY REALLY long time! Oh and we (Jonathan and me)
calculated it and it’s going to cost us roughly $15 in gas every time we
want to see eachother. So by the time we get to eachothers place we’ve
already spent the money we were going to when we went out. GEEZE…but I
guess it doesn’t help that neither one of us have a car that gets good
gas mileage Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike traffic and that I
think the majority of American’s spend probably a total of 10-15 hours
in traffic a week. That’s just wrong I tell you, wrong. I took me over
an hour to get to work this morning–too long!

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