Lucky Me

I have to admit, I am very lucky to have a husband that cooks and helps clean. I get home from work and most days I’m thinking, I really don’t want to cook dinner. Jonathan is good about that and we switch off doing the cooking and washing dishes. I got home yesterday, and I wasn’t in the best of moods…I had worked late, I was tired and had put up with an idiot of a doctor at work. So when I got home he was already cooking dinner and had done some of the dishes. Last Saturday I got on a cleaning sweep and poor Jonathan kind of got suckered into it….he just went downstairs and started dusting things and cleaning up. I know what you are saying, you’ve only been married a month, it’ll change and he won’t do that much longer…well maybe not (I think he will though) but for now I really appreciate him for helping me clean and cook around the house…oh and help with Presley–taking her out to the bathroom and such. He’s an awesome guy and I’m lucky to have him!

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