Snow Day…

Well, in Texas, it’s more of an ice day. Our office closed today so I get the whole day off, but Jonathan has to go in at 1200. I got out this morning and thought there was no way for me to get my car out of our garage without sliding off the driveway, it was nothing but ice. Luckily my boss called and said, stay home, have a fun snow day! None of our patients would show up anyway. I’ve been up for a while and have already taken a shower, got dressed, fixed my hair, make up and all that entails. I just looked down and it’s only 830!! I feel like it should be like 1200 or 100, I may have to take a nap. Of course, I couldn’t go without taking some pictures of our “snow day”, so here are some of the photos I took:
Iced Chevy
The hubs truck this morning..a little iced over!
Texas Ice Day 09
Our flower bed which needs a face lift this spring.
Our backyard

Hopefully ya’ll didn’t have to get out this morning, so stay home, enjoy your “snow day” and stay warm!

3 thoughts on “Snow Day…

  1. OMG!! Your new blog design is so cute!! Did you do it yourself? I’m just getting started on this whole bog design thing and now sure how to do everything. Love it – adorable!!

  2. Thanks guys…I love it, I slaved hours coming up with the design and then designing it…just kidding, I just found it last night and loved it so I switched it over. Dollye–we miss seeing you guys too, we would love to catch up with ya’ll sometime soon!

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