
At the pool with these 2 crazy boys
Lets see if I can finish this before the boys wake up from their nap…

There’s the vacation and the staycation, but there now needs to be a momcation! With a vacatiion you relax and just get away from the everyday life that surrounds you. With a staycation you get away from the main stresses in life (aka work) and can relax while at home for a few days or a week. A momcation would be a mini version of these. I’m not talking about some elaborate get away or even a whole day away, I’m just talking about little breaks from being a mom (as if you can ever truly take a break from being a mom!)

Some of my of my favorite things to do for a little momcation are going to get a mani/pedi, catching a bite to eat with my best friend and getting a chance to go out with the hubs. Being a mom of an infant, or two infants rather, you are pulled in different directions all day long….literally. Now that they are mobile one boy will roll or scoot over to one end of the room and the other to the other side of the room.

Because raising twin boys isn’t enough of a full time job, I have another “real” full time job 4 days a week and recently picked up a new job working 1-2 days extra a month. Between all of those, it’s exhausting so needless to say a mom cation is required every once in a while to keep some sanity. But I have to say, Jonathan is a HUGE help and does a lot with the boys and around the house. I honestly couldn’t do it without him!

I have a lot of friends who have babies and reading some of their blogs is interesting. I read one recently where she was talking about how great it was when her husband was around so he can take over and she can get a break and not be “on” 24 hours a day. Hmm, what’s that like?! A break for me is having one baby! Unfortunately, with twins, you don’t get that luxury. Its hard to take both of them by yourself, but we do when we have to. The hardest part is when they both want to be held or be with you and your only one person, I can’t hold both of them that long, especially with a bad back.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about any of this, it’s just a different perspective from someone with one baby. I love my two babies and am soooo glad they are apart of our lives! I’m just saying its nice to get a break every once in a while and have a momcation!

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