First Haircut

The boys have been in desperate need of a haircut for a while. Their hair was growing over their ears and Ian had a rat tail on his left side, it was pretty funny. I had enough of the rat tail so I ended up cutting it off myself but Vicki got to give them their first real haircut this past weekend. They didn’t know what to think about it but did a good job and didn’t squirm too much. Of course we took pictures of this momentous occasion, but most of hte pictures ended up blurry or focused totally on something else. I didn’t realize this until I looked at the camera menu and saw that somehow my autofocus had been changed. That explains A WHOOOLE LOT the last few times I have taken pictures. I thought I was just becoming a bad photrapher, or my eye sight was really bad! Anyway, here are a few of the photos that I took.

First up, Hayden

Hayden not too sure what to think


Hayden and Vicki

and in the end he looked like a big boy:

Big Boy Haircut

Now its Ian’s turn

Ian before


And in the end, he looked like a big boy too

Ian's Big Boy Haircut

They both look so much older with their hair cut. Ian’s hair is actually getting a red tint to it and for some reason, you can tell more with his hair shorter.

Big Boys

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