3 Months Old

3months2Wow, I am super late with this since Harper was 3 months on October 24th.

Baby girl is 3 months – At times it seems like 6, but mostly I can’t believe how fast it has gone by.  We sure have had our ups and downs with this little girl.  When things are good, they are good…but when things are bad, they are bad. We call her our little Diva because she is very particular and likes things done certain ways – sometimes mommy or daddy is all she wants.

IMG_2613Harper has still had a lot of problems with her reflux.  She had a good 3 weeks where it didn’t bother her much, except for occasionally, but then she started really having problems.  She would scream for 20-30 minutes and nothing would calm her.  She would start coughing and spit up acid through her nose.  I called her pediatrician and she called the GI doc we saw and he said to add rice cereal to her bottles…I was reluctant to do this since the last time we tried it, it upset her stomach.  I did it anyway just to see what would happen, and she did great on it.  She stopped the screaming fits, she was happy again and was sleeping better.  She is also still getting her Prevacid twice a day.

ShIMG_2780e started getting the rash on her face again this month but we got a steroid ointment to put on it and our pediatrician told us to bathe her everyday with a little selsum blue on the rash.  All that combined, it cleared up again and looks great now.

This little girl is going to be a feisty one! She does not like sitting still or back.  She constantly tries to sit up in her car seat and does not like to be facing you when you hold her – She has to be facing out to see what is going on.

IMG_2505She still likes the swing and bouncy seat, but as long as she can see what’s going on.

IMG_2782She is just like her brothers and loves to be outside.  I’m not sure if its the feel of the breeze outside she likes or what.  But she usually gets in a better mood when we go outside.  She loves to just sit in my lap and watch her crazy brothers run all around the backyard.  I’m sure she will gladly join them in a few years.

Tummy time has gotten better and she does so good with it.  She still spits up a lot being on her stomach but it doesn’t seem to bother her much when she does.  She usually will end up going to sleep while she is on her tummy.

IMG_2595Harper got to experience her first trip to the State Fair of Texas this past month but unfortunately didn’t get to taste the corny dog, maybe next year.  She actually slept most of the time we were there.  When she’s in her baby carrier she usually falls fast asleep.


We are going to go get her head shape checked out at cranial technologies, just like we did with the boys.  She has a definite flat spot and its starting to push her forehead out some so we thought we would get it looked at and evaluated for a Doc Band.  Our pediatrician thinks that some babies just have softer skulls and are easier to become flattened.  We have tried rotating sides she lays on and holding her on the opposite side from the flat spot and she takes naps on her tummy…but despite all that it is failing to improve on its own.  I am definitely not looking forward to having her in a band, or paying for it! But once we see the photos of her head and get the full evaluation, we may find that she really doesn’t need it.  We’ll find out soon.

She is finally getting into the fun stage of interacting more, smiling and cooing.  She’s even laughed or chuckled a few times.  I can’t wait to see what she will start doing next month,



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