Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day…a day to remember our men and women who have served and are still serving our country. Jonathan and I went to the cemetery in Ennis today where my grandparent’s and great-grandparents are buried. Since it is Memorial Day, someone went around the cemetery and put little flags by the graves of military men/women. My grandad was a Lt. Commander in the US Navy so he had a little flag too.
Jonathan and I also went to downtown Ennis to see the building where my great-grandad’s store was–he owned the Men’s clothing store in town. When my great-grandad owned it, he had a big M etched into the stone and painted above the doors. Since then, the store has been divided into two stores, one is a taxidermy and the other one is a gift/tourist shop. The Taxidermy store has left the big M on the front of the store but the gift shop didn’t and painted blue bonnets over it…geeze! When my grandad died, we were on the way to the cemetery and passed by this store…my grandmother pointed out the store to me and told me all about the M on the building and my great-grandad’s buisness. I remembered this comversation and mentioned it to Jonathan…so a few months ago Jonathan was in Ennis for something and saw the building so today we went to find it.

This is the other part of my great-grandad’s old store…behind the blue bonetts is where the M is etched into the stone…here’s a clsoe up of it.

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