Ohh my–LWAB

Jonathan and I are going to a wedding tonight that is at a pretty nice place, and it’s an evening wedding so he’s got to dress a little nicer than he normally would to a wedding. Some would say he should wear a suit jacket…I compromised and said he could wear a nice shirt and tie with no jacket. Well, he doesn’t wear slacks too ofter, if ever and he has a couple of button up shirts but none were the right kind….girls, you know what I’m talking about, guys–sorry! Anyway, so yesterday evening we went out looking for some nice dress pants, a shirt, and a new tie. We had a whole outfit picked out but then I changed my mind b/c it was kind of too blah..just earth tone colors and such…so poor Jonathan had to endure all this and we set out to find another shirt and tie…..well we did, we ended up with a nice blue shirt and stripped tie. We got home and of course I made him try it on because we, I say we but I mean I, had to see it all put together. I have to say he looked REALLY good, despite the fact I made it impossible and he probably will never want to go shopping with me again. He looked awesome, and I think it was all worth it. He said that this was the hardest time he’s ever had getting dressed for a wedding, including his own. That’s about 98% my fault and I’m sorry. But this was more than just finding an outfit for a wedding, every guy needs atleast one nice dress outfit in their wardrobe. So Jonathan, now you have that nice dress outfit and I won’t bother you again about it.

2 thoughts on “Ohh my–LWAB

  1. I LOVE YOU! You did a great job – even though I don’t understand it all and probably gave you heck because of it.
    Thanks for being patient with my ignorance.
    I’ll still go shopping with you whenever. Just say the word.
    Although I still think it’s more fun shopping with other people’s money than our own.

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