Fun with Google Analytics

Sometimes its great to just sit back, pull up Google Analytics and see just what’s bringing people to this site.

Apparently its NOT talking about emerging Christianity. My site visits have dropped each day since I started trying to explain it on Monday morning. Oh well.

So far this week these have been the top keywords/phrases used to bring people to

cynthia izaguirre
potluck themes
newt gingrich in touch
showing off my wife
justin farmer

And here are some of the more interesting and bizarre keywords/phrases that have brought people here:

quote on pleasures of dining with friends
blundell pirates
happy crappy birthday
hate cynthia izaguirre
springisd usin rfid 2009
women kick friend in balls
roller blade helps vertigo

And I do have to say I’m sorry to whomever search for this:

is it ok to go on roller coasters a week after you have unprotected sex

and ended up here. HA! Probably not what they were expecting at all.

So there you have it, that’s why others are coming to this site. What about you?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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