Are you called to serve in New York City?

From Church Video Ideas:
My friends, Nelson Searcy and Jason Hatley, at The Journey Church in New York are looking for a Pastor of Media. This is an awesome team, an amazing church and a special ministry where God is moving in the “Big Apple”. I highly encourage my tech friends to pray about this opportunity.

Below is the job description:

Are you passionate about raising up volunteer leaders, directing the media area at one of the nation’s most innovative churches, and growing a production ministry in a multi-site setting?

Are you interested in expanding an already healthy volunteer base of over 35 team members (camera, lights, stage, switchers, editors, etc.) to a structure of over 100 volunteers?

Can you join with our worship arts staff to lead at a very high level, and bring creative and technical excellence to the Sunday service, to worship planning, and to cultivating highly experienced technicians in New York City?

Are you interested in helping a growing church continue to grow?

Do you have a high view ’serving as part of discipleship’ and do you have a strong desire to reach unchurched young professionals and artists?

This is an equipping position to make a difference with the best and the brightest from around the world that make up the Journey Church in NYC.

– A Solid Calling to New York City
– The ability to mobilize and lead a growing Media/Production Team in an ever-growing environment
– A passion for the Bible and innovation
– A team player
– A high level understanding of media, including contemporary/secular films, video editing systems, technical systems (lighting, staging, video, minimal sound)
– Bachelor or Masters Degree
– Ministry experience in a creative, fast-paced, results-driven environment a plus
– A positive attitude
– A familiarity with The Purpose Driven Church Model
– A risk taker
– A passion for media and the arts
– A passion and drive for evangelism and reaching the unchurched
– A high commitment to the local church
*If you have interest in this position, please email Jason at

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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